hello ODC friends, did you know about this wonderful show? it is called The Great British Baking Show. the premise of the show is that they bake delicious things and are just really nice to eachother. it is a great time. I really hope you go on netflix and watch it if you haven’t already. Ok. now on to the email with all your gear room content…. AND MORE……
Creekathon – A Smashing Success!
- Thank you to everyone who came out to Creekathon this weekend! Creeks were thoned, burgers and dogs devoured, and fairy homes constructed. Big shout-out to Ed and Will for being Da Grill Masterz.
- NRGE IS COMING! Oct 14-16, prepare for the annual pilgrimage to THE NEW RIVER GORGE! We will climb, we will paddle, we will bike, we will hike, we will party. Stay tuned for a trip announcement.
The Scrumptious Service Committee!
- Service committee is having their FIRST MEETING this Wednesday, 7-8PM at South Lawn. Come out if you’re curious and wanna get your hands muddy in various Charlottesville-love-related projects!
Affinity Trips/Outdoor Education with DEI!
- ODC x QSU october 21-22 camping @ shenandoah + form here: https://forms.gle/ibdSzTKhFKJMXrXC9
- ODC x undocUVA x TYC Humpback hike the morning of oct 23rd to make the outdoors more accessible to POC UVA students. Interest forms to come!
Gear Room Schedule:
Mon: (9/26) 4:15 pm —> Ed Aten (434) 326-8868
Tues: 11:00 am —> Phillip Reeves (571) 332-3740
Weds: 11:30 am —> Mitch Lang (804) 955-8990
Thurs: 1:00 pm —> Will Lankford (202) 321-1197
Fri: 12:00 pm —> Sophia Benmhend (202) 644-0304
If none of these times work for you, please email the officers outdoors-officers@virginia.edu at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a separate time to be let into the gear room. Please only do this if you really can’t make the gear room times, not just because you don’t feel like it or didn’t plan ahead.
We will try to keep it consistent throughout the semester, but make sure you check for any changes. You may stop by the gear room to check out or return gear and be reimbursed at any of the times listed below. Please text the officer leading the gear room if you will be late. Officers remain at the gear room only for as long as people are checking in/out gear (usually about 20-25 minutes). You may also purchase ODC t-shirts, hoo rags, patches, stickers, and more at the gear room!
If you return damaged, dirty, or incomplete gear, you will jeopardize your ability to check out gear in the future. It is your responsibility, not the officers, to return your gear in the condition you received it.
Please refer to our reimbursement policy here.
You can check our gear inventory here.
If you want to check out any water sports gear or a mountain bike, please email the officers at outdoors-officers@virginia.edu. They are stored at separate locations. We ask that you give at least 24 hours notice.
Gear is due one week from when it is checked out unless renewed by an officer at a gear room. Keeping gear past its due date is a UVA Honor Offense. Club trips have priority access to gear.
Directions: Map to Gear Room
Start at Echols Dorm
Go right on McCormick
Turn right on Alderman Rd
Take a left on Leake Drive
Walk to the end of the road. There are several buildings and parking on either side.
Pass a picnic table on the right. Keep going!
Walk straight to the first big maintenance building directly ahead. Walk behind the building on the left side. Walk up the stairs
End: Knock on the door.
Leading Trips:
Once you’ve got an idea for a specific trip that you want to lead, send the officers an email with a description and your qualifications for leading that sort of trip. Remember, climbing, caving, and kayaking trips have special rules!
Please take some time to read through the Leaders Manual (http://www.outdoorsatuva.org/resources/?LeadersManual) and Leading Trips (http://www.outdoorsatuva.org/resources/?LeadingTrips) pages under Member Resources on the club website.
Please be aware that if you are joined on a trip, and you do not show up, or you drop out at the last minute, you are depriving another member of a spot on that trip.
No-shows and last-minute absences not only hurt trip attendance, but they also make logistics more complicated.
If a member is reported for two absences, trip leaders are permitted to take this into account when moving people off wait lists.
This week’s Adventure of the Week comes from Renee and Co.’s trip to Paxton’s Cave!
- Paxton’s cave is a memorable and enormous maze cave in western VA. We visited and took our time exploring the never-ending passageways, featuring some pretty tricky climbs, an iconic belly crawl, and an enormous underground room (about 150’ x 75’ with a 60’ ceiling). We saw some really cool formations, including draperies, columns, and fun squiggly crystals. Found two bat skeletons, both of which still had some skin & fur on them. Fascinating. Also we love the cave owner’s extremely loud but very friendly dog.
Each week we’ll feature a different adventure that happened within the previous 7 days. To be featured, send us (outdoors-officers@virginia.edu) a couple of pictures of you and your pals adventurin’ and a little blurb about what you did!
We’re reallllllllly stoked to see what y’all get up to – but please. Do not take pictures of people without their consent. And don’t submit them to us without their consent. Don’t be a creep and a weirdo.
Who will be the next ADVENTURE OF THE WEEK?!?! we await your submissions!
Social Media:
FB: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/OutdoorsAtUVA/)
Insta: (https://www.instagram.com/uvaoutdoors/)
GroupMe: (https://groupme.com/join_group/68250538/0HmzE2tL)
Email Social Chair Shay Utzinger (smu5dv@virginia.edu) with any trip pictures to be featured on da gram!!!!!