Shredheads, dirtbags, flower children and rad senders alike,
It is with great pleasure that the Officers and I announce that Outdoors Club at UVA will be operating essentially at full capacity this semester! After a year of strict COVID restrictions and a halt on the carpooling trips, mega trips and other social gatherings (the meat and potatoes of what ODC has to offer), we will now be resuming all of the aforementioned meat and potatoes!
I’m talkin sunset hikes, paddling trips, gear checkouts, lively backyard bonfires, outrageous ODC ragers, our spring break Mega-trip to Moab, UTAH and much much more!!!
TRIP LEADERS! I know many of you have been lying in wait for the return of carpool trips and now is your chance. You all are what make the club so incredibly active and vibrant, so what are you waiting for??? GET POSTING TRIPS! Remember that drivers almost always sign up for trips and the club reimburses gas +50% tip, so you don’t need a car to lead trips. We understand that trip leaders may need some refreshing on various aspects of trip leading or ideas for what types of trips to lead, so please reach out to the officers at with any questions! ALSO, gear masters and officers are working hard to see that gear checkouts resume next week! Look out for another announcement containing the gear room schedule for this semester.
NOTE ON WEARING MASKS: While the club is returning to “normal operations,” with the current nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new threat due to the Delta variant, we are instating some minimal masking policies in an effort to mitigate any additional spread of the virus as a result of ODC activities. We do require that masks be worn in the gear room and by all drivers and attendees while carpooling to trip destinations. As we monitor the progression of the pandemic, these policies will be adjusted accordingly.
We are so unbelievably stoked to finally be able to make this announcement and can’t wait to see you all on some wild ODC adventures!!!
Happy Trails,
Burke and the Officers