OHHHHHHH you thought you’d heard the last of me for this semester???? NOT JUST YET!!!!!!
I bet you thought you’d heard the last of that weird t-shirt in the back of your drawer too, right?? NOPE!!! Because, yes, we are having a back of the closet party to celebrate the LAST DAY OF CLASSESSSS!!
FIRST OF ALL, if you haven’t heard of a back of the closet party before, here’s the idea: find those clothes that you’ve been abandoning for months or years, that you are maybe wondering why you didnt bring to the ODC clothing swap to give away, and make an outfit out of them!! Maybe you’ll realize you need to start wearing them again, or maybe it will be a final farewell– either way, you can make the wildest, wackiest outfit ever, or style those old clothes up cute again and slay for the LDOC celebration.
SECOND OF ALL: This will be a legendary day, seeing as ODC has never (to my knowledge– don’t hold me to this) had an LDOC party!!!!
SOOOO I hope to see you all at the Shred Shack (116 Washington Ave.) on Tuesday December 5 at 9 PM in your wonderful outfits from the dark spooky corners of your closets and dressers ready to rage for the end of the semester!!!!!