Helloooo, fellow creatures of the Earth!


As we march into this school year and think more deeply about our boppin ODC community of animals, plants, and minerals, we’re piloting a new method of OFFICER ELECTIONS that we’re hoping can make the club more equitable and inclusive. Where before anyone could apply to officership and receive a decision on a rolling basis, now we’re going to review apps and add officers biannually!


So, what that means for you: keep being your awesome selves joining trips, leading ‘em, and — if you feel so called — submit an app for officership at any point! We’ll review fall apps post-NRGE (around October 23rd) and spring apps after our boomin Moab spring break trip (mid-March). We’re hoping this more methodical process of officer selection can help ensure every application is evaluated equally, and we’d love your feedback on this change as it kicks into gear this fall.


We’ll send reminders throughout this fall for application dates, and if anyone wants to talk more, feel free to email us anytime!!


With love and trail spice,

Grace & The Officers