Dearest shredlings,
We’d like to joyfully inform you that Saturday trips for SPRGE are OUT! Go browse our splendid variety on the website. You can now join the waitlist for SPRGE Saturday adventures!!
As a reminder, once you are approved off the waitlist for a Saturday adventure, pay the trip fee to @parkersims on venmo and join the main carpool. People will be let off Saturday waitlists by the 16th (this saturday)!
Also – There may be the opportunity for one more Saturday trip to be posted, if you are interested in leading this please reach out to the SPRGE officers.
SPRGE attendees can begin posting their trips for Sunday and Friday of SPRGE on March 17th. (Refer to the SPRGE Main Carpool description for more details on leading Fri/Sun trips).
These waitlists will be open until March 20th, then after that SPRGE will be closed!
SPRGE is for the rats,
Parker, Mitch, Sarah, & Anusha