Summer Gear Room Update!

Hello ODC members! With summertime here the officers have been getting a lot of questions about where the heck did the gear room email go and how the heck am I supposed to check out or return gear?! Do not fear crunchy friends, the officers are now here to provide some information on our summer gear policy and hopefully clear up some confusions.


During the summer ODC discontinues regular gear room hours. Summer gear rooms are scheduled on a case by case basis depending on when/if ODC officers are in Cville. If we are or are planning to be in town, we are more than happy to coordinate with you! You can coordinate a gear room by emailing us at or holla via ODC’s groupme (link below if you’re not in the know already). 


If you are currently in possession of gear we ask that you please coordinate with us to return it! Gear tends to get really lonely and homesick the longer it is away from the gear room. If we are not able to coordinate a good time to collect your gear at the gear room or otherwise before the fall semester we ask that you please hang on to it and store it in a proper manner until regularly scheduled gear rooms resume (OR shrack front room/other ideas ect ect ect.)


Thank you all for understanding. We hope you’re having a great summer already and can’t wait to see ya back here in the Blue Ridge!


Peace, love, and dirt

The Officers