WE WANT YOU (to apply to be an officer!!)

Hello Wonderful People of Outdoors Club!

Want to be a part of the well-oiled machine that makes ODC go ‘round??? Do you have ideas of how ODC could improve? Are you feeling inspired to take a greater role of leadership in the club?

If so, you should apply to be an officer!! The link to the google form application is Here and can also be found under the resources tab of our website. As a reminder, to apply to be an officer you must have led 3 trips.

What does officership look like?

Attending biweekly officer meetings at the shrack (every other Sunday night)
Helping plan larger club events like social events, mega trips, trip leader bonding, etc.
Discussing issues that come up such as club policy, gear, inclusivity, etc.
Leading 4 trips a semester
Generally help represent ODC; answering people’s questions, approving trips on the website, engaging with new members and fostering a welcoming environment during club events!
Bonding with the other officers!!

Other things to know:

When you are selected as an officer you become a general officer and do a bit of all of the above things, but then can run for specific positions in the spring
Officers tend to remain officers until they graduate and rotate through different positions

We will be selecting new officers on Nov. 17th. Applications are due by Friday, Nov 15th! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to chat with an officer specifically to learn more about what they do! (You can email us at outdoors-officers@virginia.edu). We are stoked to have more people on the officer corps!!

Peace, Love, and Dirt,
Anusha & The Officers