
Brms Cochamo Dreams: a Chris Kalman Slideshow

Chris Winstead-Derlega

For the climbers Support Cville climbing, by making your way over to BRMS to hear Chris Kalman talk about international climbing, travel, and writing. When: November 16th 2014 @630PM Where: BRMS new store at Stonefield What: Hear Chris Kalman discuss everything climbing. Check out his blog:!blog/c1nw9 Cochamo Dreams is a 4 part slideshow that follows climber, writer, and …

Brms Cochamo Dreams: a Chris Kalman Slideshow

Chris Winstead-Derlega

For the climbers Support Cville climbing, by making your way over to BRMS to hear Chris Kalman talk about international climbing, travel, and writing. When: November 16th 2014 @630 Where: BRMS new store at Stonefield What: Hear Chris Kalman discuss everything climbing. Check out his blog:!blog/c1nw9 Cochamo Dreams is a 4 part slideshow that follows climber, writer, and adventurer …