Hello nature lovers and current final exam survivors,
As we sum up the ending of the year (crying), let’s take a moment to thank our hardworking 2023-2024 officers for making this year quite an exceptional one. This year’s officer corps met for the last time last night to finalize roles for the upcoming school year. Without further ado, here are the officer election results for 2024-2025.
Reminder: Executive officer elections for the President, Vice President, and Treasurer were conducted using the proposed weighted vote model, which gives 69% bias to the votes of the officers and 31% bias to the votes of the members (35 club members voted in this year’s elections). For more information on how the policy works, visit the “Time to Vote!!! Democracy Year 2” announcement either on the website or in your email. Other positions were voted on by the officer corps.
- President
- Candidates: Anusha Jain
- Anusha Jain will be our 2024-2025 ODC President!
- Vice President
- Candidates: Parker Sims and Via Miller
- Officer vote: Majority Parker Sims
- Popular vote: Majority Parker Sims
- Parker Sims will be our 2024-2025 ODC Vice President!
- Treasurer
- Candidates: Max St. Clair
- Max St. Clair will be our 2024-2025 ODC Treasurer!
- Gearmasters (2 spots)
- Candidates: Max Titov, Allie Schellhammer, John Woodward
- Max Titov & John Woodward will be our 2024-2025 ODC Gearmasters!
- PBR (Parties, Bonfires, & Ragers) Chair
- Candidates: Susannah Allen, Cameron Burke, Via Miller
- Susannah Allen will be our 2024-2025 ODC PBR Chair!
- Webmaster
- Candidates: Ed Aten, Via Miller
- Via Miller will be our 2024-2025 ODC Webmaster!
- Secretary
- Candidates: Charahlette Maxling (Charlotte Maxwell and Sarah Dowling)
- Charahlette Maxling will be our 2024-2025 ODC Secretary!
- CAM (Calling All Members) Chair
- Candidates: Cameron Burke
- Cameron Burke will be our 2024-2025 ODC CAM Chair!
* Before 4/28, DEI Chair, Sustainability Chair, and Service Chair were all selected by their respective club committees.*
- Carson Hopwood is the 2024-2025 ODC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Chair!
- Owen Himmel is the 2024-2025 ODC Sustainability Chair!
- Grace Gray is the 2024-2025 ODC Service Chair!
We’re so excited for what new will come in the future, and we hope you are as well. As always, please feel free to contact the officers if you have any questions!
Safe exam-taking and happy trails everyone,
Charlotte Maxwell