
Thursday Climbing at Peak

Christopher Umphres

School started. Get over it and start procrastinating. You know the drill. “Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday! All levels of climbers are welcome, but the number of people who don’t know how to belay will be limited. Everyone will go to the waitlist – you’ll be added off the waitlist by Thurs. morning based on the number of …

Rockytop, Today

Aarash Sofla

Everybody , specially beginners are welcome. If you climb there everyday don’t sign up this trip ( I mean you Rick) please. I will show you the basic stuff if you have never done this before. club provides: everything

Climbing at Peak!

Eric Stauffer

Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday! All levels of climbers are welcome, but the number of people who don’t know how to belay will be limited. Everyone will go to the waitlist – you’ll be added off the waitlist by Thurs. morning based on the number of belayers and spots in cars. I’ll let you know by Thurs. morning …

Climbing: Learning the Basics at Rocky Top Climbing Gym

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climb at Rocky Top this Friday. Rocky Top is the local climbing gym in Charlottesville, and it is a great place for beginners to learn how to climb. No experience is necessary. If you do not know how to belay, tie in to a harness, etc…. here is your chance to learn. You’ll be put on the waitlist …

Climbing at Peak

Rick Evans

It is about that time again…. Thursday it student night at Peak and the entrance fee is only 5.50$. Peak has routes for climbers of all abilities. Club provides all gear and covers gas expenses. The trip capacity will be set to one. I will add members as they sign up based upon: their willingness to drive (if they have …

Last-Minute Peak Trip

Ben Neumeyer

We’ll be going to Peak for college night. If you haven’t taken the belay test we’ve got you taken care of. (and we won’t have to wait in Charlottesville either, for those of you who have) Return time is negotiable, based on the number of drivers. I’ll waitlist everyone at first and let in as many as we can fit …

Climbing at Peak-Get Pumped, Get Pumped!

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday. Everyone will go to the waitlist, and I will join people to the trip based on who can belay and spots in cars. I may take a couple people who do not know how to belay, so go ahead and sign up regardless. Hope to see you there. Club Provides: All gear you …


Landon Kanner

Indoor climbing/bouldering at Peak Experiences in Richmond, VA. All levels welcome. Number of attendees will increase as we get more drivers.

Learn to Belay Intro to Climbing

Mike Knetzger

Since so many people signed up for the Wednesday trip, this is just the same thing as Ryan’s trip. We’ll head out to Rocky Top which is about a 5 minute drive from Echols, where everyone can learn how to tie in to a harness and belay a partner. Then we’ll climb for an hour or two and head back …

Learn to Belay Intro to Climbing

Mike Knetzger

Since so many people signed up for the Wednesday trip, this is just the same thing as Ryan’s trip. We’ll head out to Rocky Top which is about a 5 minute drive from Echols, where everyone can learn how to tie in to a harness and belay a partner. Then the fun stuff, we’ll climb for an hour or two …

Climbing: Learning the Basics at Rocky Top Climbing Gym

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climb at Rocky Top this Wednesday. Rocky Top is the local climbing gym in Charlottesville, and it is a great place for beginners to learn how to climb. No experience is necessary. If you do not know how to belay, tie in to a harness, etc…. here is your chance to learn. Club Provides: Climbing gear you don’t …

Climbing at Peak

Eric Stauffer

Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday. This trip is for people who have some climbing experience – the number of people who do not know how to belay will be limited. Everyone will go to the waitlist – you’ll be added off the waitlist by Wednesday night based on the number of belayers and spots in cars. If more …

Indoor Climbing

Sophie Johnson

We’ll head over to Rocky Top, which is about 10 minutes away from Echols dorm. Rocky Top is a small indoor climbing gym, and complete beginners are welcome to sign up. You’ll learn how to tie in and to belay. Please bring: water, $7 for the gym fee Club provides: gear if you need it, a ride

Climbing at Peak

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday. No experience is necessary, but I am going to limit the number of people who do not know how to belay to a few. I do not imagine this will be a problem, so sign up regardless. I will add people off the waitlist based on who can belay and spots in cars. …

Thurs. Indoor Climbing at Peak

Eric Stauffer

Let’s go climbing at Peak (the indoor climbing gym near Richmond)! Thursdays are 1/2 price for students. This trip is for people who have some climbing experience – the number of people who don’t know how to belay will be limited to ~ 2. Get in some climbing training for future outdoor trips this fall! I’m going to set the …

Discover Rocky Top

Andrew Olesen

Come climb Rocky Top, the local Charlottesville climbing gym. It’s a small place, but is a great place to learn and has some tough routes. This trip is mainly for people who haven’t yet been to Rocky Top. Experienced and beginners welcome. Trip limit is 4 (size of my car, even # of people). I will be getting gear beforehand, …

Discover O-Hill Run

Quintin Brubaker

Just a run in the woods. Nothing too strenuous. This is especially an opportunity for trail runners new to UVA / the club – who aren’t familiar with the trails back on the O-Hill hill – to find out a bit about them. They’re pretty good. I’m not sure how long we’ll go. Doesn’t matter too much. Maybe we’ll go …

Thurs. Indoor Climbing at Peak

Eric Stauffer

Let’s go climbing at Peak (the indoor climbing gym near Richmond) before it gets too crowded with Richmond college students. Thursdays are 1/2 price for students. This trip is for people who have some climbing experience – there will be future trips for beginners. Get in some climbing training for future outdoor trips this fall! I’m going to set the …

Beginner Back Packing Trip to House Mtn.!!

Lindsey Brown

This will be an extremely relaxed trip. If you have never been back packing before this will be a great introduction for you. Experienced backpackers are also invited because it is going to be a lot of fun!!!! We will leave Friday afternoon for House Mountain. We will hike about 2 or 3 miles and set up camp for the …

Beginner-Intermediate Mountain Biking at Walnut Creek

Ryan Hauer

Walnut Creek is an awesome place to go mountain biking for your first time, or your 100th time. There are a great deal of beginner-intermediate trails to ride. No experience is necessary to sign up for this trip. If we have enough people, we can split up into groups depending on when people want to leave and how fast they …

Potluck Dinner

Sophie Johnson

That’s right, come eat some food and meet some of the other people in the club! This will be a traditional potluck, so please bring something if you come. Of course, if you can’t make anything or don’t have time, just come anyway with a beverage or chips or something. We have a grill if you wanna cook out something. …

Hiking and Swimming in Shenandoah

Sophie Johnson

Saturday morning we’ll head out for the Cedar Run/Whiteoak Canyon trail. It’s a loop of about 9 miles, and along the way we’ll pass by several waterfalls. There is one place with a natural waterslide, so definitely bring your bathing suit! This is an awesome hike. Bring: lunch, LOTS of water (it’s gonna be a hot one), bathing suit, maybe …

Outer Banks Extravaganza!

Case Taintor

Come to the Outer Banks and do some scuba, paddling, hiking, hanggliding, kiteboarding, or just enjoy the beach… and meet some new friends while you’re at it. Then eat dinner with us and sleep under the stars! There’s something for everyone! ——-Enjoy the beach!———- We will be staying on the beach! ——–Scuba——— If you have your open water certification, then …

Multipitch Climbing (Advanced)

Aarash Sofla

If you have ever climbed multi pitch-trad, or you feel it’s time for you to challenge routes higher than usual half a pitch top ropes, I invite you to join this day-trip to the Seneca Rocks. We will leave Charlottesville early Sat morning,climb all day and be back at midnight or later.make sure to have breakfast before you come. bring …


Rick Evans

I have been deprived of a good climbing work out for the past 3 or 4 weeks. But, this week I finally have a Thursday off. This trip is primarily for intermediate climbers who know how to belay. To be fair to the other climbers, I will allow only one or two non-belayers. Hence, the waitlist will be set to …

Thursday Peak Climbing

Ryan Hauer

Surprise, surprise…. Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday. No experience is necessary, but I am going to limit the number of people who do not know how to belay to less than a third. I do not imagine this will be a problem, so sign up regardless. Hope to see you there. Club Provides: All gear you don’t have, …

Backpacking – Mount Rogers

Eric Stauffer

Mt. Rogers, located in SW Virginia, offers lots of trails near the highest peak in Virginia (~5700ft). There should be some really nice views, and, if we’re lucky, we’ll see some of the ‘wild’ ponies roaming around. We will leave on Saturday morning at 9:00AM (please be on time!), drive a little over 4 hours to the state park located …

Mtn Biking the Creeper Trail (Overnight Trip)

Gen Shimizu

Ever wish that the trail was all downhill? Well, the Virginia Creeper Trail can make that wish come true! We will cover the 34 mile converted rail trail over two days. Saturday’s ride will be a gently graded downhill lasting about 15 miles. Saturday night we’ll find a nice spot to camp in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. We …

Rocky Top Climbing

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climb at Rocky Top this Wednesday. Rocky Top is the local climbing gym in Charlottesville, and it is a great place for beginners to learn how to climb. If you do not know how to belay, tie in to a harness, etc…. here is your chance to learn. If the trip is full, sign up for the waitlist …

Thursday Peak Climbing Rules

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday. No experience is necessary, but I am going to limit the number of people who do not know how to belay to less than a third. I do not imagine this will be a problem, so sign up regardless. Hope to see you there. Club Provides: All gear you don’t have, money for …

Climbing at Peak

Ryan Hauer

Let’s go climbing at Peak this Thursday. No experience is necessary, but I am going to limit the number of people who do not know how to belay to less than a third. I do not imagine this will be a problem, so sign up regardless. Hope to see you there. Club Provides: All gear you don’t have, money for …

Climbing at Peak: Keeping the Tradition Alive

Ryan Hauer

Rick can’t lead his usual Thursday Peak Experiences Climbing Gym trip, so he asked me to take it for him this week. Apparently, he got a job and has to go to work. Amazing. I’m going to set the trip attendee limit to 5 and then let people off the waitlist based on drivers and the number of people who …

The Peak Tradition Continues…

Rick Evans

If you don’t already know, Peak is a very large gym with a huge variety of routes- from easy to extremely difficult; tall and short. There is also a decent bouldering area and pro shop. Thursdays are buy-one-get-one-free nights for students. If you sign up, please try and show up on time!!!

Climbing at Peak

Rick Evans

If you don’t already know, Peak is a very large gym with a huge variety of routes- from easy to extremely difficult; tall and short. There is also a decent bouldering area and pro shop.


Rick Evans

Peak is a very good climbing gym…… The attendee limit will be set at only 1 person. If you want to go please sign up and join the waitlist. I will choose names from the list in order that they appear. To be fair, preference will go to those who know how to belay. But sign up anyway, if you …

Peak + Marc’s

Rick Evans

With over 40,000 square feet of climbs and boulder problems, Peak is one of the best climbing gyms in Virginia. Thursday are buy one get one free, so the price only 5.50$. You must know how to belay in order to sign up for this trip (due to the fact that Peak requires a belay test for new climbers, but …

Intermediate Climbing:Peak

Rick Evans

If you don’t already know, Peak is a very large gym with a huge variety of routes- from easy to extremely difficult; tall and short. I will set the limit for this trip at only one person. If you want to go, please join the waitlist and I will pick names from the list before Thursday morning. People who know …

We’re Invited to Peak’s Spring Thing!

McKenna Radunzel

Hey guys! Peak is on again this week. Not only do we get to go to this awesome gym and climb all their amazing and challenging routes, but we’ve also been invited to their spring member’s party. Peak has stuff for everyone to climb but you must be able to belay and pass their test to sign up. OK, here’s …

Climbing at Peak

McKenna Radunzel

Yay! Peak is back this week. Thursdays at Peak are great because they’re two for one. If you’ve never been there, well basically all I can say is that it’s totally hot. Peak is appropriate for climbers of all levels, but you must be able to belay and pass the test to go. Please bring: $5.50 to climb Club provides: …

Climbing Competition

Aarash Sofla

Radford University holds its 6th annual climbing competition called “Crux the Competition”. they have a cool indoor wall. We have done college climbing competition in past and we won prizes. So I recommened this. It is like a climbing party and fun after all. Belaying style is top rope, also bouldering. There will be Men’s and Women’s brackets in …

Peak Feat. Marc’s House

Marc Schwartz

Peak Experiences Climbing Gym is located outside of Richmond, VA and is one of the best indoor climbing gyms around. There is a 2 for 1 deal on Thursdays for students, so we’ll get in at half price: $5.50 (make sure you bring your student ID). You must pass a belay test at peak to be allowed to belay there, …

Intermediate Climbing at Peak

Rick Evans

It is that time of the week again… Peak is big, fun, and a little sexy too. Club will provide all gear- please indicate your shoe size, and your harness size- if you will be checking out gear. Peak requires a belay test- so if you don’t know how to belay and you want to go, then please sing up …

Climbing Basics at Rocky Top

Rick Evans

This trip is primarily designed for beginners looking to learn basic climbing techniques. You will learn how to: belay, tie into a harness, and communicate while climbing. This trip is ideal for those of you who want to take the belay test at Peak Experiences. Experienced climbers are welcome to sign up. However, I will give priority to less-experienced climbers. …

Thursday Peak Trip Is Back

Marc Schwartz

Peak Experiences Climbing Gym is located outside of Richmond, VA and is one of the best indoor climbing gyms around. There is a 2 for 1 deal on Thursdays for students, so we’ll get in at half price: $5.50 (make sure you bring your student ID). You must pass a belay test at peak to be allowed to belay there, …

Climbing at Rocky Top

Andrew Jesaitis

Let’s go climbing at Rocky Top Gym. Beginners are welcome and you will learn to belay, tie in, etc. The club can provide all the gear: harness, shoes, chalkbag. $7 for a day pass and $25 for a month pass.

Ice Skating, 2/27, 12-3pm

Valentina Minak

Let’s go ice skating at the Ice Park, before it gets warm: Sunday, 2/27 12-3PM Meet at Lambeth at 11:45AM, and we can drive over together. I live in building 465, in apartment 3 (second floor). If 10 or more people sign up, we will get the group discount: $4.50 including the skate rental. (Compare this to the usual price …

Peak for Aarash’s Birthday!!

Marc Schwartz

Help me celebrate the 32nd birthday of our amazing head climbing instructor, Aarash! Show your appreciation for all the work he has done to teach and support the climbers in our club by helping to give him a memorable birthday!! Peak Experiences Climbing Gym is located outside of Richmond, VA and is one of the best indoor climbing gyms around. …

Rocky Top

Katrina Salmons

This trip is open to anyone who either wants to learn how to start climbing or just work on their technique. If you have never climbed or belayed before we’ll spend the first half hour getting acquainted with safety and climbing basics. what to bring: a day pass is $7, month pass $25; bring water, climbing gear if you have …

Indoor Climbing at Peak Experiences

Marc Schwartz

Peak Experiences Climbing Gym is located outside of Richmond, VA and is one of the best indoor climbing gyms around. There is a 2 for 1 deal on Thursdays for students, so we’ll get in at half price: $5.50 (make sure you bring your student ID). You must pass a belay test at peak to be allowed to belay there, …